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Especialista en Televisión, Especialista en Estética y Cultura. Profesor, Universidad Externado de Colombia. Abstract For quite some time, according to Arlindo Machado, those who theorize about communication accustomed us to approaching television as a popular, mass medium in the worst sense. This overshadowed the attention that could have been given to certain interesting, unique and very significant expressions of television to define the statute of this medium in contemporary culture. And, it is precisely in the privileged place for the contemporary expression of light; that is, on the television screen, where the subject of this study is found. That subject is pop music videos. Their esthetic dimension is examined in relation to the elements that constitute their nature: the singer and all his or her gestural paraphernalia, the clothing and the settings where the story unfolds.

#2: “Disculpa no puedo hablar ahora”

Ya sea Tinder, OkCupid o Match. Primero: alguien se comporta con demasiada énfasis, diciéndote que eres su alma gemela luego de unas pocas horas de chat. Segundo -y esta es la parte de la que debes cuidarte- te pide dinero.

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La Cantina de Velázquez

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