
Así pensamos las mujeres

Hombres sin mujeres pisos

DOI: Aunque Murakami considera que sus cuentos son un trabajo menor, resultan una muestra significativa de toda su riqueza literaria. Para analizar esto, se parte de las consideraciones del autor ante la dicotomía novela-cuento y se atiende a la cronología y a las ediciones de los cuentos traducidos al español. ABSTRACT: The article analyzes some of the short stories included in Men without Women, in order to identify certain specific features ranging from the characteristic elocutionary style to the metanarrative construction, the creation of suggestive images, and the multiple cultural music and film or intertextual references typical of the author's work. Although Murakami considers his short stories a minor work, they are a significant example of his literary richness. The article starts out from the author's considerations regarding the novel-short story dichotomy and takes into account the chronology and editions of the stories translated into Spanish. Keywords: narrative, short stories, contemporary novel, Haruki Murakami.

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